Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Get Up With The Gratitude

Short, sweet, and to the point...

So today I was in tune enough to recognize several little graces that God so generously doled out today.  First, it was unbelievably gorgeous outside today so, naturally, I had to take advantage of it.  After I gassed up the tractor, I pushed play to the ever-encouraging lyrics of Kristian Stanfill and gave the lawn a fresh cut.  Secondly, in a non-cancer patient fashion, my legs held up long enough to endure a resistance band workout and bike ride around Hudson.  What a joy it was to "feel the burn" again!  Finally, I capped off the day with some summer grillin' and a wonderful sit down dinner with my family (minus one brother).  This day was the first in a long time that I haven't thought much about my current circumstance very much.  I was just happy and content to still be doing life. 

There was nothing extraordinary about this day.  Nothing happened that will show up on the evening news.  But I was reminded today to be thankful for the places and things where we seem to miss God the most: the simple things.  I don't know where it is you are in life or what you are doing.  To be honest, it doesn't matter.  Thank God that you have life.  Thank God that you have breath.  Thank Him for giving you the privilege of waking up today to serve Him.

As PAX217 used to say... "Get up with the gratitude!"   



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