Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Special Announcement (For Me At Least)

Thought I would switch it up this time around and give you a video blog for something pretty cool that is in the works.  You decide.

Let me know what you think,



  1. That's awesome Mike, I wish you the best with this. Proud of you, as always.

    Have some coffee for me too. :)

    Uncle Ron

  2. I'm glad you're willing to give it a shot. I say just start writing and recording and if nothing else you come up with a transcript for people to read.

  3. after reading your last post i hope the book is called jesus wins! can't wait to read it.

  4. Well now you have an army of accountability partners ;) To quote Morgan Freemen during that camp fire scene in the movie Glory, “Just say what you feel brother”

  5. Lori (Shaffer) SmerdelOctober 10, 2011 at 10:58 AM

    As someone really on the far outside edge of your life, in that I haven't seen you or your family in years, I am so glad you are going to do this. I will confess that I have already started "publishing" what you have written as I have copied a great deal of your blog to share with 2 older gentlemen and 1 younger man to elicit their prayers for you and to encourage them in their journeys. I'm certain I will be purchasing more than a few copies. God bless you. Hope it's going well already.
