With only 6 radiation treatments left to go, my mind has been pressed for some time now to look toward my future with FCA and start to attack the fundraising component. But let's back it up and let me bring you up to speed with those plans. A lot has changed...
Way back in the spring, I interviewed with FCA for an Area Representative position in Central Pennsylvania. But shortly after that, I was diagnosed with lymphoma and my start date was pushed into the "to be determined" realm, since the duration of my treatment was unknown. The doctor was finally able to project a completion date back in October, so we began the process of figuring out when I could come on board. In a two week blur of decision making, phone calls, emails, and interviews, I was offered the opportunity to transfer to work with FCA in the Greater Philadelphia area. The switch offers the same wonderful chances to minister through the medium of sports, but the most beneficial aspect is that it provides a scenario that could make my future plans with a special someone much easier. We could both be in one location where we are being obedient to our call and doing what we love to do.
Among so many other things, I feel that my health situation was God's hand-picked method of moving me onto His timeline. I certainly had my ducks in a row and thought that my plans for the future were set, but He turned that upside down for something even better! This position in Philly was not available when I first interviewed, and so He found a unique way of making me wait. I have so much peace in my heart about this decision, despite the drastic change that it will be. My ministry resume doesn't include extensive inner city work and, to some degree, it is intimidating. Yet I feel such a strong leading from His spirit and I take comfort in the stories of men like King David and Moses. The shepherd boy David was but a pre-adolescent boy when he took down a battle-tested giant with a mere stone and Moses went to Egypt kicking and screaming; yet God used both men in a mighty way for His glory. Who am I to think that He is incapable of doing the same with my story? Someone once told me that "God doesn't call the equipped; He equips the called." I think there's some truth in there. I believe that my entire athletic career and recent battle with cancer is forging a testimony that will be very useful in this particular ministry.
Here's the thing: my work with FCA will be entirely faith-based. That means that I need to raise support before I can do it... $70,000 if I want to come on full-time. That will cover a salary, benefits, insurance, etc. Right now, the challenge seems like an immovable mountain, as I would love to start by the Summer of 2012. Luckily, I serve a God who specializes in such tasks. I would like to appeal for your help. I humbly ask for your investment in me and in the work of building The Kingdom in the Greater Philly area. The most helpful way that you could contribute would be through a monthly partnership; such donations would be tax-deductible and would equip me with a steady income to make more informed ministry and stewardship decisions (obviously, one time gifts would also be accepted and appreciated, but monthly gifts will provide the backbone for my income). Again, this seems like such a daunting venture, yet I don't believe that God called me out here, only to leave me hanging. The funds will come in through His provision and timing. Will you prayerfully consider the investment? Will you be a part of what God is doing? Your contributions will impact inner-city coaches, athletes, and communities in a permanent, gospel-centered way. That is what it's all about.
If you don't need to hear any more and would like to join my "Home Team," then please contact me at mchlhojnacki@gmail.com and let's get started! If you would like to hear more about the ministry, my story, or explore the best way for you to help, email me and let's grab a coffee or arrange a time to chat. To embark on a journey like this, I realize that there needs to be some clarity about the particulars. It would be my pleasure to do that for you! Here are some links that might be helpful to you if you are not familiar with FCA...
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (main): www.fca.org
Greater Philadelphia FCA: www.phillyfca.org
If you are reading this, chances are you have been following my story for some time and I truly have appreciated the never ending supply of prayer and support. Please consider being a part of God's work as He closes one chapter and begins another... for HIS glory.
In Faith,
***Please feel free to share this post and help me out as I set out on my fundraising journey!
Yes brother! Have been / will be praying for you :-) ... let's grab that coffee.