Friday, January 20, 2012

A Kingdom Partnership

With the start of a new year comes many new ventures, namely...  engagement, a triathlon, cancer-free life, and the commencement of my work with FCA Philly.  Each of these are exciting in their own right, but my ministry is the most pressing because of the fundraising element.  As of now, I have raised over 40% of my monthly goal and have been so blessed by those who have jumped on board right away and helped me prepare for the future.  Obviously, there is still a long way to go to do this full time.  I would like to ask for your help in the expansion of God's kingdom through FCA.  I am still seeking faithful partners to support me monthly; God is using such people to provide me with the means to meet the requirements for this ministry.  

Now a partnership with FCA is more accessible than ever!  Due to my "Prospective Staff" status, my name has been added to the website and you can give online now.  You can choose whichever method is most convenient for you (credit card or check) and you can choose a variety of ways to donate including monthly, quarterly, annually, or as you are able.  It's very simple!  Just visit for more details.  Just be sure to indicate that you would like to give to a "Specific FCA Staff Person" and choose "Mike Hojnacki" from the drop down list.  In the event that you have any questions or need clarification about anything, please feel free to email me at and I will be glad to help!

Please prayerfully consider if this is something the Lord would have you commit to.  The impact of your giving will be widespread and will affect many athletes, coaches, and communities.  If you aren't so sure, but would like to learn more, please email me and let's set up a time to meet so that I can walk you through the vision of the ministry and my particular responsibilities.  This is a big commitment and I want you to be as informed as possible!

I have great confidence that the Lord will provide.  Would you consider being a part of it?


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